Backgrounds checks came back clean, incomes checked, references called and we got the house. The one that's only five minutes away from my parents. We're a super close family, so I'm very glad we found and got one so close. Maybe I can talk my mom into coming over to double check that chicken is done, what do you think? No, probably not. But still, visits and 'Oh my god you have to come see this' moments can happen quickly. It'll help me adjust, too. Having such severe anxiety for so long makes me weary to be too far from my 'comfort people' so even five minutes will be a big adjustment, but not as much of one as the house forty minutes away that we backed out of - thank goodness.
We don't sign the lease for a couple of weeks, so now it's more along the lines of making lists of what we need and what we have and what people are going to give us/sell for pretty cheap because they want to get rid of stuff and, hey, I love me some hand me downs. We did just order a mattress that I'm excited about. It's an organic and non-toxic one which is really important to me with my health issues. I plan on using as little chemicals as possible in our house, so I'm excited to have a pretty natural living space.
I'm trying to focus on the excitement of all of this but I'm already pretty stressed out. Just the idea of packing and leaving makes me want to cry - and I do, sometimes. I'm also worried about Emmy adjusting. And we plan on having a house warming party with a bunch of people I've never met or only met a few times, so I'm also worried about that and Emmy getting stressed over strangers on top of a new house. There's just going to be so much to buy, get, move, set up, do, etc.
Lots of worrying lately. Lots of wine lately. I know worrying changes the outcome not even a little bit, but I'm a pro at worrying.
Inspired by this LDR Writing Prompt: Defining Moment
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